Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What platform should I get Mass Effect 2 for?

Should I get the PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 which runs on the ME3 engine, and comes with the DLC, or go with the much cheaper, DLC-less, Xbox 360 version? Is the DLC and the updated engine that good to spend an extra $40?What platform should I get Mass Effect 2 for?
If you buy ME2 on 360 and download all the DLC it's still about $8 cheaper than the PS3 version.

I also think you shouldn't get ME2 if you haven't played the first game. PS3 doesn't get the import feature which means they will never meet some of the best secondary characters, like Conrad Verner, your biggest fan.

Also, the PS3 version runs on a tweaked engine, not a new engine. Both ME2 and ME3 run on the same engine on any platform, which is Unreal Engine 3.5. Technically they're not wrong when they say ME2 on PS3 runs on the ME3 engine because it's the same engine after all. It's only really deceptive. One of the programmers said on the forums that it's not really a new engine. The PS3 version also performs a little worse than the 360 version.
If it were up to me (which i have ME 1 and 2 for xbox) I would get it FOR xbox. I know the graphics might not be running on the ME3 engine, but who would ever want to pass up the first game of the trilogy???

I am rather Jealous of the PS3 for getting better graphics and stuff, but I would rather get 2 games than one with DLC.

You get to create a whole different path than the one automatically set for you by playing the first game.
Ive tried to play the second game without the first and the automated decisions weren't the ones i wanted.What platform should I get Mass Effect 2 for?
Well look at the pros and cons

Xbox argument- You can import from mass effect 1 to further build on your own character's adventure

PS3-Better Graphics, DLC and a lame comic thing that lets you make choices for ME2

Either way, if you get ME3 you can import from either platform.
Personally, I'd get it for PC, as there are some amazing mods out there for Mass Effect 2. But you didn't give that as an option, so I'll say PS3.

Hope this helps!What platform should I get Mass Effect 2 for?
meh, go with the ps3 one because it comes with the DLC
i'd go with the ps3 because it has the dlc

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